Relational Organizing (10/16/22)

This is the moment to leave it all on the field.

Don't wake up on November 9th wishing you had done more. Relational organizing is the buzzword for today. What it means is calling your friends and family and making sure they have a plan to vote and if they haven't found a way to be active, invite them in. Join our community as we write postcards, text bank, phone bank, and canvass in these final days.

If you find your motivation flagging, these words, paraphrased from an email from our friends at the NY Buddy Group, inspire us to dig down and keep writing, texting, phone banking, and door-knocking through the finish line:

Remember that November 8th will determine:

  • Whether Nancy "Spine of Steel" Pelosi or Kevin "Spineless" McCarthy is Speaker of the House;

  • Whether President Biden will be investigated ad nauseam and impeached for made-up mysterious "crimes";

  • Whether Chuck Schumer or Mitch McConnell is Senate Majority Leader;

  • Whether Congress will pass a national abortion ban;

  • Whether President Biden will get to seat any more federal judges;

  • Whether State Supreme Courts in Michigan, Ohio, and North Carolina will flip to hard-line Republican control;

  • Whether crucial, federal voter protection and reproductive rights legislation is passed;

  • Whether key swing states will have MAGA-Republican or Democratic Governors;

  • Whether Democrats will flip state legislative chambers in a number of key states and end some of the hateful and anti-democratic legislation that Republican chambers are churning out at an insane clip; and

  • Whether Democrats or MAGA election-deniers will be Secretaries of State and Attorneys General in swing states in the 2024 elections.

Join us in these last few weeks. As you decide whether to write that last postcard or join that last phone bank or get on the bus for that last canvass, remember that these races are very tight and could be won or lost by a handful of votes. Read on for ways to engage. Remember that democracy is not a spectator sport!


9 Days until Election Day! (10/30/22)


Midterms Homestretch! (10/2/22)