• Blue Voter Guide

    Blue Voter Guide helps you make quick, informed, pro-democracy choices of candidates and propositions by showing what's on your ballot, with endorsements from trusted progressive organizations.

  • Democrats Abroad

    Democrats Abroad is the official Democratic Party arm for the millions of Americans living outside the United States. Democrats Abroad strives to provide Americans abroad a Democratic voice in our government and elect Democratic candidates by mobilizing the overseas vote.

  • provides clear, insightful, and well-sourced nonpartisan information on candidate positions to engage potential voters, especially young voters, so they can know what’s at stake in each election.


    Check to see if you are registered to vote, register to vote, and learn more about voting in your state.

  • Know Your Politician

    Know Your Politician educates voters on their candidates and elected officials in an easily digestible format.

  • Rideshare2Vote

    Rideshare2Vote improves access to the voting process by providing free, safe, reliable transportation services to and from the polls.

  • The Civics Center

    Even if you are not yet 18 years old, you may be eligible to pre-register to vote! The Civics Center provides an interactive map to find your state’s age and registration requirements, and everything else you need to register, get reminders about voting, check your registration, and more. It’s one-stop shopping for student voters.

  • The Voter Participation Center

    The Voter Participation Center (VPC) helps members of the New American Majority (young people, people of color and unmarried women) register and vote. VPC’s Restore Your Vote program helps those with felony convictions find out what their rights are and, if possible, connects them with organizations to help restore their right to vote.

  • provides election and polling information to users and educates voters about election laws that may affect their right to vote. aims to increase voting behavior and reach historically underserved voters of color and underrepresented young voters.

  • VoteRiders

    Voter ID laws silence millions of Americans. VoteRiders is here to help. VoteRiders provides voter ID assistance so that every American can cast a ballot that counts.