Grassroots Power (11/13/22)

It has been a fantastic week for Democrats and we should feel proud. What has become abundantly clear is that these mid-terms were a bottom-up victory that was powered by grassroots groups like ours. We rolled up our sleeves and never stopped working to elect Democrats up and down the ballot to better people’s lives. We passionately endeavored to postcard, raise money, text/phone bank, march, and educate.

We had more energy and fight than the media understood (with the exception of Simon Rosenberg, our two-time guest, who wrote on Wednesday: "What really convinced me we had a shot was the passion and love of country I found when talking to grassroots Ds these last few months. Their energy lifted me up, gave me hope, convinced me it was possible. And last night they lifted up the nation.") We knew what was at stake and the future we were fighting for. We opened our arms to build community and linked hands to do the work. We were part of a tapestry of grassroots groups across the country who have committed to this effort for years and fueled the successes from this week.

It was heartening to see that some are acknowledging the importance of groups like ours in doing the work without the support of the party or recognition of mainstream media. Award-winning author Joseph O'Neill wrote: "On the midterms, one structural take that I think has been lost. The mass politicization and grassroots organizing of the Trump years have resulted in a standing blue army of battle-ready voters, donors, organizers. It's just hard to outvote them." And further credited the women who have largely fueled these grassroots efforts, prompting one of our members to tweet "We feel seen!": "The citizens, women especially, who heroically rolled up their sleeves, emptied their wallets, and fought everywhere for the W are the ones who should be celebrated, credited, and empowered. Not just because it's right, but because it's crucial if Ds want to win going forward."

We ran superpowered grassroots field operations that did a lot of good this week! We are humbled and thankful to be working alongside every member of MFD. Thank you for the friendship, support, and fight you each bring to our Zooms and efforts.

The work must carry on as our community continues to grow. Each election we are reminded to mind our backyard. For many of us, the disappointments in NY were this election’s stark reminder. In the future, we will have to make a sustained effort there. First, though, we turn our eyes to Georgia. Know that grassroots organizations matter. Do a happy dance, stay engaged, and let’s fuel another victory.

P.S. Time-sensitive action you can take if you are a NY registered Democrat. Please sign this open letter by 8 pm tonight asking for the resignation of NYS Democratic party chair, Jay Jacobs. You can read more about why there is a growing grassroots movement seeking new leadership of the New York Democratic Party here.


GA GOTV & VA Special Elections (12/4/22)


9 Days until Election Day! (10/30/22)