Wisconsin’s State Supreme Court Race (2/26/23)

This week was one where we felt proud to be Americans and moved by the Ukrainian people's courage, strength, and patriotism. As we viewed the photographs of President Biden's secret President's Day trip to Ukraine, we were reminded that we have a president who leads with civility, humanity, experience, and steadiness. He is restoring our stature worldwide and reminding us what a normal presidency looks like. We were wise to elect him to the role in these difficult times and with democracy on the brink.

Tuesday night was also a big night for Democrats. Democratic candidates swept all of the special elections and came out on top of the Wisconsin Supreme Court jungle primary to advance progressive Judge Janet Protasiewicz to the April election. We had wins in NH, KY, VA, and WI, and it is fulfilling that we wrote postcards for three of those elections. State Senator Jennifer McClellan is now Congresswoman-elect McClellan and is the first black woman elected to Congress from Virginia. Tuesday's winning margins were greater than in 2020 and 2022 and the candidates did not shy away from running on abortion. Some of the pundit class thought that issue had lost its wind back in August, but these elections showed that protecting women's reproductive health continues to be a powerful message that resonates. We even saw record blue in places Dems don’t usually turn out. We need to keep doing what we are doing. As Simon Rosenberg is famous for saying “I would rather be us than them”.  
We have a responsibility to ensure that democracy and freedom prevail here and around the world. The Supreme Court race in Wisconsin is critical in this fight for the people in Wisconsin and for all of us in this country. This race has national implications on abortion policy, voting rights, and redistricting. For the next month or so it is all Wisconsin, Wisconsin, Wisconsin - new postcarding campaigns have dropped and we continue to write. See the postcarding section below to get involved.

We are on offense now and we should take our cue from President Biden who swung for the fences with all of the bold legislature he has gotten passed in his first two years. The Democratic grassroots community is stronger than ever. Our activism and donations fueled those wins in the midterms, the Georgia runoffs, and all the special elections from Aaron Rouse's win in January to Tuesday night's multi-state sweep. But this is not the time to take a victory lap. We have postcards to write to Wisconsin and work to do in local elections and state Democratic parties. Keep up the good work and bring a friend to join us. We've got this!


Partnering with Indivisible (3/12/23)


POTUS Rocks the SOTU (2/12/23)