“What happens depends on us.” (10/27/24)

A special welcome to all of the new members who’ve joined us recently—our community is growing every day, and we’re thrilled to have you! We're officially in the homestretch with a little over a week left before the November 5th election. But know this: our work doesn’t stop here. After Election Day, we’ll turn our focus to possible run-offs, special elections, and the many local races coming up in 2025, so we hope you’ll stick with us for the journey ahead. There are lots of ways to stay informed: keep reading our newsletters, join our Slack community, or request to be added to our shared MFD calendar.

Right now, every bit of effort counts. As Senator Brian Schatz said, “What happens depends on us.” Let's finish our postcard lists! All postcards are to be mailed ASAP and the last possible mailing date for the November 5th election is Tuesday, October 29th at the post office (unless you live in the same state as the recipients of your postcards or an adjacent state, in which case you can mail on Wednesday, October 30 at the post office). Our postcard portal, Postcards For Democracy, has fewer than 3,000 addresses left to finish our lists. We’ve extended Zoom hours (details below) to finish postcards together in community, and then it’s time to pivot to other forms of outreach. Phone banking, text banking, canvassing, and ballot curing will be crucial for getting out the vote in these final days, and we’re all in this together.

Starting Thursday, we’ll host morning check-ins on Zoom (see below) to kick off each day. These will be a chance to learn about volunteer opportunities, connect with others who want to try something new, or simply get inspired by what fellow members have planned. Working alongside friends can make all the difference, especially if it’s your first time trying phone banking or canvassing. For even more ideas, be sure to regularly check our #textbanking-phonebanking-canvassing-and-ballot-curing channel on Slack. We have also started a Google doc that is updated regularly for these opportunities.

Whether you’re a longtime member of Markers For Democracy or someone who just answered Michelle Obama’s call to “do something,” we’re here, shoulder to shoulder. Let’s link arms, finish strong, and know we gave it everything for our democracy!

Speaking of Michelle Obama, she gave a speech yesterday in Kalamazoo, Michigan that many people think is the best speech of this campaign, even better than her speech at the DNC. If you need inspiration for the last nine days, watch here.  And if you know anyone who purports to care about women's reproductive freedom but is still undecided or persuadable, share it with them.  


We left everything on the field (11/10/24)


Crunch Time! (10/13/24)