Trump’s Terrifying Plans (5/5/24)

We have two requests for you for this week: 
1. If you have not already read the transcript of Time Magazine's interview with Trump in which he lays out his terrifying plans for a second term, we urge you to read it. We've done our best to summarize the key points below but it does not replace reading his words. Read the article here.  Read the full transcript here.

2. For our second request, please share the Time interview far and wide, including with anyone in your circles who may be thinking about voting for Trump or staying home or voting third party. In the words of NYU Professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a scholar on fascism and authoritarian leaders and author of Strongmen: How They Rise, Why They Succeed, How They Fall:

"It’s high time to have those difficult conversations with family members, colleagues, and acquaintances you know who support Trump and/or the GOP about the devastation that a second Trump presidency would bring to America. We have all the information we need to make these arguments –that new TIME interview, where Trump says clearly what he will do to Americans and America, is an example—and go to our fellow Americans and lay out the stakes. “Is this what you really want?” is a good opener when introducing the prospect of political violence, unrest, subtraction of rights, mass upheaval due to mobilizations of the National Guard in our cities to deport millions, and other things that will happen. Authoritarians specialize in bringing the unthinkable into being. We still have a chance to avoid this awful fate."  

Trump's Reflection on First Term Mistake:

  • Trump regrets being too lenient in his first term.

  • He plans to adopt a more aggressive approach, indicating he will fire rather than let top officials quit.

Vision for a Second Term:

  • Trump and his advisers envision an "imperial presidency."

  • Plans include deportation operations, migrant detention camps, and military deployment for immigration control.

  • Red states would monitor pregnancies and enforce abortion bans.

  • Trump would withhold Congress-appropriated funds at his discretion.

  • He would consider firing U.S. Attorneys who don't prosecute as ordered.

  • He's considering pardons for January 6th Capitol attackers and may not aid attacked allies if they don't contribute enough to their defense.

Trump's Increased Assertiveness:

  • Trump feels more confident and assertive in his current position.

  • He plans to staff his administration with loyalists who support his agenda.

Potential Second Term Actions:

  • Trump may restructure the presidency based on the unitary executive theory.

  • He could use the Department of Justice more directly, including firing U.S. Attorneys who refuse his orders.

  • Trump might appoint a "real special prosecutor" to investigate Biden.

Immigration Policies:

  • Plans include reinstating policies from his first term, such as Remain in Mexico and Title 42.

  • Trump plans to resume border wall construction and conduct massive deportation operations.

  • He would use the National Guard and possibly the military for deportation.

Abortion Policies:

  • Trump would leave abortion policy to the states.

  • He suggests states might prosecute women for illegal abortions.

Legislative Agenda:

  • Trump plans to focus on border security, immigration, and extending tax cuts.

  • He considers intensifying protectionist policies, including imposing tariffs on imports.

Political Strategy:

  • Trump aims to ensure GOP majorities in Congress to push through his agenda.

  • He's working to clear primary fields in Senate and House races to ensure his allies are elected.


The Take Ten Challenge (5/19/24)


Improving Our Media Diet (4/21/24)