Thank you, Judge Jackson! (3/26/22)

As the war in Ukraine continues past the one-month mark, the needless loss of life and human tragedy coupled with incredible Ukrainian bravery still fill our thoughts and leave us with a sense of helplessness that we try to assuage with financial support for organizations feeding and housing the refugees. Here at home this week we have witnessed the Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings for the historic nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the United States Supreme Court. What we should have seen was the civil and respectful questioning of an exceptionally well-qualified nominee. Instead, we have been subjected to angry white men screaming and interrupting a Black woman. Republican Senators have hurled baseless attacks on Judge Jackson, seemingly seeking TV-ready clips to rile up their base. It has been nothing short of disgusting and disgraceful and has left most of us wondering where the moral leadership in the Senate is.

Chair Durbin and the media coverage have failed this incredible nominee by not stopping the bullying and enforcing the rules, and by normalizing the racist despicable behavior of the GOP Senators. As Jennifer Rubin in The Washington Post describes, “The refusal to afford a historic nominee with the respect she deserves and to denounce baseless accusations speaks volumes about our collective failure, still, to reckon with the original sin of racism.”

If you have been unable to stomach watching the hearings, please take a few minutes to view the clip of Senator Cory Booker’s words that displayed moral leadership and remind us to never stop looking up. While he does not erase or excuse the heinous behavior of his colleagues, he can be our beacon of hope. Repeatedly proclaiming his joy over her nomination, Senator Booker likened her to historical figures like Harriet Tubman and proclaimed Judge Jackson “my harbinger of hope” that the United States could live up to its promises of freedom and equality. “This country gets better and better and better,” he said. “When that final vote happens, and you ascend onto the highest court in the land, I’m going to rejoice. And I’m going to tell you right now, the greatest country in the world, the United States of America, will be better because of you.”

Thank you, Judge Jackson!
As Senator Booker said, “I’m not going to get my joy stolen” and neither should we.

Many of us joined Seniors Taking Action and our other sister activist groups on Friday morning to hear from Senator Booker, fresh off his star turn in the confirmation hearings. If you missed his inspiring visit, here is the recording. (Even if you were on the Zoom, you may want to play it again for motivation!)

P.S. Let the spectacle of these hearings remind us why Democrats MUST hold the Senate in 2022! First, think about the nightmare scenario of the Judiciary Committee gavel in the hands of Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton, or Marsha Blackburn. Second, remember that these hearings are only being held because the Democrats hold 50 seats. If Democrats lose one Senate seat in 2022 and a Supreme Court vacancy opened, Mitch McConnell could repeat the gambit he used when Merrick Garland was nominated and refuse to fill the seat until after the 2024 election. Now is the time to activate your network to keep our democracy alive!


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Finding Light (3/13/22)