Mallory McMorrow Shakes Up Identity Politics (4/24/22)

We are close to six months out from the 2022 midterms. The news is filled with negative predictions about a Democratic shellacking. Voting rights, reproductive rights, and transgender rights are fiercely under attack. People are tired and angry, and Biden’s lackluster approval ratings place the blame on him. At this moment, Democrats have a choice to make. Do we wallow in self-pity, throw in the towel in defeat, or do we fight?

Biden is not on the ballot in November, but a free and fair election for 2024 is. We must push past the negative headlines and double down on getting to work. November’s ballot will provide a choice between two different kinds of candidates leading to two different versions of America. Every race will matter at every level in every state because if the Senate and Congress fall, state legislatures are our firewall. A reminder that what happens at the state level is what affects our day-to-day lives.

Inspiration comes from different places and is unique to us all. Mallory McMorrow, a Michigan State Senator, provided some this week. If you haven’t listened to her speech, you must. The heart of her fiery rebuttal was about basic human decency. She described herself as a “White, Christian, suburban mom” who wants her children to respect and empathize with non-Christian, non-White, gay, and trans kids and families. She turned the “identity politics” debate on its head.

On a recent subway ride in NYC, the conductor made an announcement over the PA system reminding us to offer our seats to the elderly or pregnant women. He ended the scripted PSA with a bit of his own human decency: “Courtesy is contagious, and it begins with you.”

In the aftermath of the Federal District Court order lifting the mask mandate on public transportation, we saw some videos that seemed to celebrate an event that left many people feeling more vulnerable. Then we saw Ron Howard's viral tweet (with over 200,000 "likes" and counting) that said: "Tho it’s not mandatory and it’s a pain, I’m masking it for my flight today. For myself, for others."

May Mallory McMorrow, the subway conductor, Ron Howard, or someone else whose words touch you, inspire us to power through the bad headlines and choose to “not let hate win” in November. We cannot be silent in the fight for freedom and decency. When someone asks you if we have a chance in November, we must say yes. Together we can change the conversation and help do the work. Join our giving circle, write postcards with us, and actively be part of our community that works 365 days a year to save our democracy.

Late-breaking news:
French President Emmanuel Macron was re-elected today, beating back a challenge from the far-right Marine Le Pen in France's runoff election by a margin of 58.8% to 41.2%. Vive la France! May this victory of democracy over a Putin-supporting candidate of the right inspire us in our fight for democracy in this country this November and in 2024.


Take Action to Protect Our Reproductive Rights (5/8/22)


Thank you, Judge Jackson! (3/26/22)