Toward a Blue '22! (1/2/22)

Happy and healthy new year to the entire Markers For Democracy community. We are sure that we are not alone in saying not just goodbye but good riddance to a year that began with an insurrection and ended with an unprecedented COVID surge. May 2022 be just a little bit easier for all of us. May we have focus and purpose and weave more laughter into the cadence of our days. May we again hug and sing and smile unveiled. In the inspiring words of Susie T. Buell, “with tequila in my glass and an eye toward the future, I join you in bidding adios to ’21. With gratitude to all who keep the positive energy going and all the love flowing, may we continue to find the courage to fight for what’s right, may we never let hope die, and may we always be in pursuit of the magic all around us.”

While 2021 was a difficult year, we are committed to hitting the ground running on what we hope will be a bright blue 2022! But, as we reminded ourselves all through 2018 and 2020, a blue wave is not going to happen on its own. And this year, we are not just fighting for Democrats, we are fighting for democracy. As the New York Times wrote in an editorial entitled "Every Day Is Jan. 6 Now,": "Whatever happens in Washington, in the months and years to come, Americans of all stripes who value their self-government must mobilize at every level — not simply once every four years but today and tomorrow and the next day — to win elections and help protect the basic functions of democracy. If people who believe in conspiracy theories can win, so can those who live in the reality-based world."

If you have taken a break from postcarding, it's time to pick up your Sharpies and start writing again. If you haven't been to one of our virtual postcarding sessions in a while, check out the roster of inspiring guests coming up over the next few weeks and join us. In addition to our morning Zooms, we have evening programming that will both educate and motivate you in the coming months. To paraphrase our friend Robert Hubbell: We are engaged in an extended fight for the soul of democracy. It will not be easy but we will prevail if we stick together in our interlocking communities of committed activists. To a bright blue '22!


Democracy is an Action (1/16/21)


Final Stretch of 2021 (12/19/21)