The American Rescue Plan (3/14/21)

Joe Biden has shown extraordinary leadership in his first 50 days in office. In his speech marking the one-year anniversary of the COVID lockdown, he captured the moment by exhibiting honesty, optimism with caution, and most of all empathy. For the past four years, we were starved of compassion, truthfulness, and leaders who have our backs. The stir of emotion and exhaling of breath that President Biden’s address evoked in many of us is the beginning of the much-needed thaw the country has been waiting for. We have tough times ahead, but there is a grown-up in charge, and working hard together, Americans will “build back better”.

Governing is hard, yet President Biden has done more in his first 50 days in office than anyone could have imagined. By passing the American Rescue Plan, Biden skillfully shepherded through one of the most significant economic packages in American history. Our country is in the midst of economic devastation. This bill will provide stimulus checks to individuals of up to $1,400. It expands the child tax credit to now benefit an estimated 93% of children and is expected to cut child poverty rates in half. It provides billions of dollars to starved state and local governments to fund vaccine distribution, school reopening, services to maintain communities, and more. It expands unemployment checks just as they are about to run out for so many Americans who are out of work due to the pandemic. It provides aid to small businesses who are the lifeblood of our neighborhoods. Critical aid is on its way to our most vulnerable communities.

Over the last four years, we watched the dereliction of duty by our government. Reality was skewed and no one challenged the cult leader. In 24 minutes, Biden’s speech showed his connection to what we all experienced over the last year and his commitment to doing everything he can to help all Americans. The plan aims to re-build America from the bottom up. Joe Biden is the president of all of America. The true beauty of the Rescue Plan is that its scope encompasses everyone.

We have many battles ahead including protecting the right to vote which is under assault in numerous states across the country. Our work continues but know that we have the right man in the White House, a new Attorney General who believes in truth, justice, and the rule of law and will rebuild faith in the independent Justice Department, the most diverse Cabinet in history, and leadership that believes in governing to help the American people. Governing is difficult, and it is much easier to just say no, but President Biden has already shown he isn’t taking the easier path and for that we should all be thankful.


Action Items (3/21/21)


Filibuster (3/7/21)