Ranked Choice Voting (6/13/21)

Early voting in the NYC Democratic primary started yesterday and New York is abuzz with everything related to ranked choice voting (RCV). We have spent the last five months doing our part to become educated and informed voters. Markers For Democracy met with 42 of the prospective candidates (yes, I counted them). We watched numerous forums, debated, co-hosted roundups, and read articles. We have discussed, analyzed, and listened. We have each made our lists and remade our lists and are still making our lists to be responsible ranked choice voters. Everyone is talking about RCV, many are trying to understand it, and you may even be the one trying to explain it to friends and family. We practiced in multiple RCV workshops and ranked our favorite snacks. Some are still upset that chocolate was not in the race. Mayor DeBlasio sampled RCV using his favorite pizza toppings (interesting choice for the man who eats pizza with a fork and knife). The races are crowded, candidates have flaws, scandals lurk around every corner, and endorsements keep changing. What is certain is that none of us knows how RCV is going to impact the NYC races.

One thing is clear: with the option of early voting, the time to vote has begun. Our advice is to bring an index card to the polls with your ranked choices written out. Think it through beforehand as it is too many candidates in too many races to remember the names and orders for your rankings. With the exception of District Attorney, we can rank up to five choices for each race and if you want your voice to be heard, use all five of the slots. Do not put anyone on your ballot in any slot that you do not want to win. Remember one of the benefits of RCV is that it allows you to vote for who you want to win. So if you are a New Yorker and eligible to vote, keep it simple. Vote your values, use all five spots to have the most agency, and remind everyone you know that voting is not a spectator sport so please go vote. There are a number of helpful resources and links below in the NYC Politics section of the newsletter.


NYC Primaries (6/20/21)


Keep Virginia Blue (6/6/21)