The January 6th Committee Hearings (6/19/22)

Many of us have been riveted by the Jan 6th Committee hearings. The professionalism, thoroughness, and detail have exceeded expectations. The magnitude of the crisis we are in as a country has been front and center. One of the most respected conservative jurists in the country, Judge Michael Luttig, who testified at Thursday's hearing, wrote that the efforts of Trump and Eastman were “tantamount to a revolution”. There is no doubt that many lawmakers and democracy itself were in great peril on January 6th. In an ideal world, these hearings would lay the path for the DOJ to prosecute and convict all the perpetrators and their allies. MAGA voters would finally see how they have been victims of fraud. DJT would finally face consequences because no one is above the law. Yes, there will be convictions and hopefully, more Republicans will do the right thing and cooperate but we can't afford to lose ourselves in that reverie.

Currently, while there may not be an angry mob physically on the Capitol steps, the perpetuation of the “Big Lie” and the threat to our Democracy continues. If you need a wake-up call, just look at the recent primary results in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Nevada, where election deniers are winning primaries for positions that could determine the outcome of the 2024 election. As Judge Luttig testified, DJT, his allies, and supporters are still "a clear and present danger to American democracy," and are preparing in open sight an "attempt to overturn that 2024 election in the same way that they attempted to overturn the 2020 election, but [to] succeed." The threat is real, and we have work to do.

As Democrats and members of the resistance, we have a challenging few months ahead of us and we can't afford to be distracted or despondent. We are bombarded with pundits and pollsters telling us that we have already lost the House and Senate. As our friend, Jessica Craven wrote this week: "When people tell you Democrats have already lost in November ignore them. It’s simply not true— no one can know what will happen in an election of this much historical consequence. Over and over again our side has shown that, when the chips are down and turnout matters, we show up. So. Do. Not. Underestimate. Our. Power." Many of the same pundits are telling us that if we lose in November, democracy is over. We can't succumb to that narrative either. Our democracy has withstood severe challenges in the past, and, as our friend Robert Hubbell told us last week, it will withstand losing one or both houses of Congress in November. Don't get us wrong. We, at Markers For Democracy, are definitely not throwing in the towel on Congress. See our schedule of upcoming guests which includes visits from candidates in key races for the House and Senate. But we also know that many of the issues that we care passionately about -- from voting rights to reproductive rights to LGBTQ+ rights to gun safety to the environment -- are decided in state legislatures. So we will continue to write postcards for state and local candidates and raise money for our giving circle to support Democrats running for state legislature in Arizona and Pennsylvania. This is not a time to give up. It's a time to double down.

In a virtual conversation with veteran Democratic strategist Bob Shrum this week, journalist Ron Brownstein said that he thinks that the threats to democracy are greater than they have been in his lifetime, but then quoted J.R.R. Tolkien from The Fellowship of the Ring: “I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” We can decide to cower in despair or fear, or we can act.i

Take action. Get out your Sharpies and write a postcard to a voter. Join a phone bank in another state to cure ballots or help a voter get to the polls. Canvass for a local candidate. Join our giving circle to help down-ballot candidates in Arizona and Pennsylvania. We continue to have our donations matched through June.

Activate your networks to discuss the local races happening in your neighborhood which are often won by just a few votes. Ask your friends to do the same. For those who aren't focused on voting, remind them that their vote is their voice. Talk to the young people in your lives. Wake people up to the power of their votes. Create a revolution of voters one postcard, call, or knock at a time.


Our Uniquely American Plague (7/10/22)


Gun Violence Reform (6/5/22)