Finish Strong (10/29/23)

The news is harder to take every day, and it's understandable to feel despairing and hopeless. Markers For Democracy knows that one antidote to those feelings is activism in community. As Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn said on MSNBC this past week, "Until there is truly nothing to do, there is always something to do." Let's join hands and finish strong before November 7th.

We will be writing postcards through Tuesday 10/31 (or Wednesday 11/1 if you live in the candidate's state or a contiguous state). After Wednesday our efforts will be focused on getting out the vote through phone banking, ballot curing, text banking, voter hotline support, and canvassing. There are lots of ways to take action in the week ahead. Join us every morning for a daily check-in from 9:30 am – 10:30 am on Zoom. We can share what we are doing for the day, help each other make a plan, and sign up for the actions that speak to each of us. See the yellow box below for a day-by-day schedule.

Also, remember to keep checking our Slack channel titled #textbanking-phonebanking-canvassing-and-ballot-curing to see up-to-the-minute activities you can join. If you are not a member of the MFD Slack workspace, request an invitation here

Some people have indicated that they can't find all of the available Slack channels. If you are already a member of our workspace and want to browse all of the channels available to join, click the "more" option on the upper left of your screen and then choose "channel browser" to see the selection. All available channels will be listed.

We are not going anywhere after November 7th!
*****We write postcards 12 months a year! Postcarding continues after the election. There are currently campaigns available on Activate America, NEAZ, and Postcards To Voters, and we at Postcards For Democracy expect to have several opportunities. See details below and in our "This Week in Postcarding" newsletter.

Election Night Plans

In our election night Slack channel, #Election-Night-2023, we will be following the races of all of the candidates who have visited us and the specifics of what is happening in NY, OH, MS, PA, VA, and other states.  

In addition, The States Project is offering a live feed with the latest information and commentary from their team on their website. LINK HERE 


Election Results (11/9/23)


A Horrific Week (10/15/23)